Английский для детей

Сколько времен в английском языке?

Представьте себе, что английский язык – это волшебное заклинание, а времена в нём – это ингредиенты, без которых не получится сварить правильное зелье.
В этой истории мы попутешествуем по всем уголкам времени, от прошлого до будущего, и даже заглянем в альтернативные реальности, где «если бы» и «может быть» – это не просто слова, а настоящие волшебные ключи к новым приключениям.

Приготовьтесь посмеяться и удивиться, как одно маленькое заклинание может превратить кошку в человека и запутать все временные линии в английском языке! Вот история, в которой каждое предложение использует разные времена английского языка:
  1. Past Simple: Once upon a time, a clumsy wizard accidentally turned his cat into a human.
  2. Past Continuous: While the cat-human was adjusting to walking on two legs, it kept tripping over its own feet.
  3. Past Perfect: The wizard had forgotten to read the spell's instructions carefully, which caused the mess.
  4. Past Perfect Continuous: The wizard had been practicing magic for years, but this was his first major mistake.
  5. Present Simple: The cat-human now lives in the wizard's house and constantly complains about missing its fur.
  6. Present Continuous: The wizard is currently trying to reverse the spell, but it's not going well.
  7. Present Perfect: The wizard has tried several different spells, but none of them have worked so far.
  8. Present Perfect Continuous: He has been researching new spells every day since the accident.
  9. Future Simple: The wizard will eventually find a solution, or so he hopes.
  10. Future Continuous: The cat-human will be adjusting to its new life for a while longer.
  11. Future Perfect: By the end of the year, the wizard will have hopefully restored the cat to its original form.
  12. Future Perfect Continuous: The cat-human will have been living with the wizard for a year by the time it gets its fur back.
Conditional: If the wizard manages to reverse the spell, the cat will be extremely grateful.
Conditional Continuous: If the wizard were studying more diligently, he might not be making so many mistakes.
Conditional Perfect: If the wizard had been more careful from the start, none of this would have happened.
Conditional Perfect Continuous: If the wizard had been practicing that spell for years, he would have succeeded by now.
И вот они, все времена английского языка, рассказанные через забавную историю о незадачливом волшебнике и его бывшей кошке.
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